Volunteer Opportunities
Back your pack
Back your pack
Cub Scouting works better when families are invested in helping out. Not everyone needs to wear a uniform!
Volunteer to Help Out
Volunteer to Help Out
Our hope is that every family participates in scouting in some way by helping out. Take the Family Talent Survey to help us match up your knowledge and interests with opportunities that come up through the year.
Donate to the Uniform Exchange
Donate to the Uniform Exchange
Wondering what to do with your scout's old uniform? Do a good turn by donating used shirts, pants, and other accessories to the Pack 36 Uniform Exchange to help lower the cost of Scouting for other families.
Volunteer for PAck LEadership
Volunteer for PAck LEadership
Scouting is a family business! Studies show that scouts with families that are the most involved get the most out of the Cub Scouting experience. Bring your talents to the table by volunteering for a leadership role!